One of our favorite things is to give back, especially when it comes to those fighting for our freedom...
So it just made sense to team up with another patriotic company for a product we knew our customers would love, and that would allow us to give back.
The Blanket Party Combo comes with a pair of Soledier Socks and one of K Bar Soap Co’s Grenade Soaps; both made right here in the U.S.A. with high-quality materials and a whole lot of freedom!
Not only that, but for every combo purchased, a pair of socks and a grenade soap are donated to Operation Turbo, who takes donated items and sends out care packages to forward deployed troops to remind them of home.
Chris, the owner of K Bar Soap Co., explains how impactful this can be:
“After serving in the Marines, I know how much a care package means to someone, so this was like a match made in heaven”.
Both companies care about their customers and Troops - and want to give them nothing but the best!
Both Chris and Elle, the owner of Soledier Socks, agree that this is a unique combo - you won’t find two companies working together to donate socks and soap to our troops.
Elle points out that this is, “the only combo of its kind with a 1-for-1 giveback to our Troops - and is 100% made in the USA! If you love America, and feeling fresh and clean - this combo is for you!” and we agree!
What’s great about Operation Turbo is that, while they send care packages to all deployed troops who request them, their main focus is to get care packages into the hands of the service members who may not have anyone else to send them one.
The combo is a combination of two items that every Soldier, Marine, Airman, Sailor, Coastie, and anyone else on earth needs; some bangin’ socks to take care of your feet, and some all-natural showering freedom to keep your a** clean!
Hygiene is very important in those forward deployed scenarios, and it can take you out of the fight if you don’t have proper hygiene and foot care.

Even though this collaboration is still pretty new, a supporter, who recently took command of a unit in Afghanistan, is planning to put Soledier Socks and KBSC in “welcome home” baskets for his battalion when they are at the end of their tour.
Elle explained that, “we love that when he was thinking of items they would need in their baskets, our socks and soaps made the list!”. At the same time, Chris hasn’t heard of any charges filed for “beating by sock/soap combo”, but is watching Live PD on the reg for a story like that.
Here at K Bar Soap Co., we are honored to be partnered with a company who, for every pair of socks sold, donates a pair to a service member. We look forward to working with Elle and Soledier Socks in the future, and growing together with this combo.
So, why are two companies early in the growth of their business putting so much effort into giving away product? “It’s the least we can do for all of the sacrifices they and their families make, day in and day out.”

This is amazing!! I wish we would have found out about these 2 companies while my brother was serving and deployed. It’s okay! Better late than never — and I love spoiling my 2 vets (Brother is Army, Dad is Marine) with K Bar Soap. They both appreciate the manly smells and feeling/smelling like freedom after their showers. I think this will be perfect for their collection on Fathers Day! Thanks for the gift ideas!! Keep them coming!